This has been going on for at least 20 years, finally some speak out
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Putin Humor
Cruising around the Blogs came across this from Orlov ( who has been in the alt media lately) got to love a guy that lives on a boat ..
President of Israel calls up Putin and says: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, I didn't know you were a Jew!”
Putin says, “I didn't either; what makes you think I am a Jew?
” President of Israel says: “You got Americans to pay you $5 billion to take over Crimea. You must be a Jew!”
Club Orlov Blog
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The Obama agenda ... simply “kill the U.S. dollar"
The process of killing the U.S. dollar
Some who know me, know I have been watching these developments for awhile, thought I would pass along some of the information I use to form my opinions
By Douglas J. Hagmann
I wrote about it nearly one year ago to the day.
The Obama agenda is to simply “kill the U.S. dollar,” where the ultimate objective is to implement an international currency in tandem with a system of global governance.
Some people laughed, saying it was hype.
Others held a death grip onto their normalcy bias, saying it was not possible.
Exactly a year later, the stage is being set for the murder of the U.S. dollar.
This is a process that has been long in the planning, and is no accident, nor is it a result of the amateurish handling of our economic affairs by the Obama regime or the last few presidential administrations.
It is a deliberate process, covered by the fog of the geopolitical machinations between the U.S., Russia and the controlling power elite.
It is obvious not only by “Old Yellen’s” lipstick-to-pig process, but by the actions of Russia in response to our caliphate building process in the Levant and Eastern Europe. It is asymmetrical warfare at the highest of levels, as Putin knows the sting created by the deliberate destruction of the Ruble from years ago.
Those who don’t yet understand what is taking place may be enlightened by rereading my article from March 30, 2013, which contains information given to me by an intelligence insider and is actively taking place as I write this. For the current state of our economic affairs,
Tyler Durden of Zero hedge explains the active process well in his article “Petrodollar alert: Putin Prepares to Announce Holy Grail Gas Deal with China.”
While the eyes of the world are transfixed in thousand yard stares at their televisions in a new reality show involving the disappearance of a Boeing 777, our wealth is being plundered.
This is all part of a process that ties together seemingly disparate events such as the Arab Spring, the take-over of Libya, the continued attempts to destabilize Syria, and, of course, our meddling in Ukraine.
All of these events are interrelated, as are the so-called “banker deaths,” which are obviously much more.
One simply has to step back and look at the big picture to understand exactly how we are being led into a global governance of wealth confiscation, redistribution and financial bondage.
Many have wondered why the federal government needs all of the ammunition and military style equipment on the streets of America. When people suddenly realize that they have no more retirement or savings left and no way to sustain themselves, it will get ugly.
Some will be convinced that it was all a series of unfortunate misdeed, or some cosmic accident that Americans and those who trade with the U.S. dollar are unable to buy food, gas and other necessities. In reality, however, it was all planned long ago. Soon, we’ll see the effects of those plans.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Conn. Police Officers Refuse to Confiscate
Full story Here
With so many news stories circulating about brutality and injustice
at the hands of the militarized police state, it’s often difficult to
discern between the good cops and the bad cops.
In Connecticut, where lawmakers recently passed legislation that requires the confiscation of firearms from citizens of the State, the legislature assumed that police officers would simply follow the letter of the law, even if that law is an affront to the founding principles of the United States and has not yet been reviewed by the Supreme Court.
There will no doubt be those men and women in uniform who will bow to their masters and kick in the doors of innocent people despite the illegality of such actions.
But, as reported by the Examiner, there are also those who have drawn the line. In an open letter soon to be released by the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, there are at least 250 officers who have pledged to serve and protect the people, in this case, against enemies domestic.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Mac Slavo is co-creator of The Daily Sheeple, an alternative media venue for breaking news, opinion, commentary and information. Mac is also the founder of the popular community oriented website which aims to help individuals understand and prepare for troubling times. Wake the Flock Up!
Breaking: Conn. Police Officers Refuse to Confiscate: Will Not “Be Party to the Oppression of the People”
In Connecticut, where lawmakers recently passed legislation that requires the confiscation of firearms from citizens of the State, the legislature assumed that police officers would simply follow the letter of the law, even if that law is an affront to the founding principles of the United States and has not yet been reviewed by the Supreme Court.
There will no doubt be those men and women in uniform who will bow to their masters and kick in the doors of innocent people despite the illegality of such actions.
But, as reported by the Examiner, there are also those who have drawn the line. In an open letter soon to be released by the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, there are at least 250 officers who have pledged to serve and protect the people, in this case, against enemies domestic.
A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter.And the resistance begins, now with the support of many in the local police force.
According to Hardy,
Tyler Jackson has emailed me an interesting story, soon to appear online (I’ll link to it once it does)– the gist is that the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers’ Assn has released an open letter stating that the police will not “be party to the oppression of the people of the state by enforcing an unconstitutional law.” So far 250 LEOs have cosigned the letter.Hardy reported that with the lack of support of police, Connecticut faces massive civilian resistance, with police officers refusing to enforce a law that to most citizens crosses a line that is unacceptable in a free society.
If such a thing can happen in a deeply blue state in New England, what would law enforcement encounter if they attempted such an ill-fated attack on Constitutionally-protected rights in Texas, Wyoming, South Carolina, Utah, or Kentucky?
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Mac Slavo of The Daily Sheeple.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
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